This is from my mom Kim Palmer:
I would like to send a shout out of appreciation to the Post Falls Police Dept. Not only do they keep our great community safe, but they have always been kind during every encounter, often going above and beyond their call of duty.
For example, I received a call at work from an officer telling me that my dog, Gracie, was wandering around Post Falls. She ( the officer) actually picked her up when she could have sent her to the pound and given me a fine😬 Instead, she asked if I would like Gracie to returned to our home🙂 The officer even checked the perimeter to see where Gracie may have gotten out and found the gate ajar❤️ She secured the gate and returned my Gracie😊I wish I could remember this female officers name, but from the bottom of my heart, ❤️❤️❤️THANK YOU!
Angie N. ,