The Special Response Team (SRT) is a multi-agency team, comprised of sworn officers from the Post Falls Police Department and Rathdrum Police Department. In addition to their full-time assignments as patrol officers and detectives, SRT members serve in a part-time capacity and are on call twenty-four hours a day. Team members train monthly to ensure proficiency with issued weapons, equipment, and current tactics. Additionally, there are Emergency Communications Officers which are assigned to the team who receive specific training for critical incidents; they provide vital dispatch services during incidents.
SRT is utilized during high risk, critical incidents including but not limited to violent crimes with a heightened threat to the community and officers, and high-risk search and/or arrest warrants. SRT members possess specialized equipment which provide numerous options for a safer response to a critical incident. The use of this equipment is intended to aid in bringing about a peaceful resolution.
SRT is dedicated to the protection and preservation of life.